Great Northern Railway Historical Society

Model and Photo Contest

With the annual GNRHS convention comes the popular model and photo contests. There are many categories associated with the model and photo contests that afford the opportunity for you to share that treasured model or photo with fellow convention attendees. Beautiful certificates, suitable for framing, are presented to the winners in these popular vote contests.

To enter you must fill out a short form describing your models. Descriptions should include manufacturer or scratchbuilt, with pertinent details added, custom paint, etc. Your entry will be assigned a number when it is included in the entry log. The winners and best of show is determined by popular vote balloting.

Please make sure to check the June Modelers' Pages for the latest info on this year's Model and Photo Contest!

Model contest categories

  1. Caboose
  2. Diesel Locomotive
  3. Electric Locomotive (+ Gas Electrics)
  4. Freight Car
  5. Maintenance of Way (or other Non-Revenue)
  6. Passenger Car
  7. Railroadiana (i.e. Displays, signs, calendars, timetables, switch keys, lanterns and other GN artifacts.)
  8. Steam Locomotive
  9. Structures (building, bridge, water tank, etc.)
  10. Vehicle (truck, bus, car, etc.)
  11. What If? (Use your imagination-GN equipment with non-prototype paint and details and equipment that never ran on the GN, but that you would have liked to have seen there (GN lettering please)
  12. Trains (this category can include 10 pieces, or less of rolling stock, with motive power. The rolling stock can be passenger, freight, mixed consist, maintenance of way or caboose transfer, etc.

Photo Contest catogeries

  1. Black and white
  2. Color

Contest Forms: Please include enough information as it will be used for captions for the photos of winners. These photos will be featured in the Modelers’ Pages.

Entry Eligibility: Entrants must be current GNRHS members. Previous GNRHS contest winner’s models and photos are ineligible to compete again.

Contest Hours: The contests are normally held on Sunday afternoon while the Railfair is in progress.

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